Germany tries to convince people not to play on the Internet. However, the survey established clearly demonstrates that attempts to ban online gambling are ineffective. Compared to last year, still many people bet on the Web.
In 2008, the Association of Information Technology, Telecommunications and New Media estimated about 2.2 million German players who are dedicated to online games. The study, however, last year (2009) lead to the definite conclusion that the figure was only slightly decreased or 2 million German adults who benefits from the pleasure and joy of Internet to play the lottery, but sport paris still playing poker. The Germans continue as always to enjoy online games and despite the ban.
This report is of interest especially since the study by the Association Bitkom says that 15% of German players on the Internet are women or to heights of 300 000 women for 2009.
According to statistics, and 1,000 people surveyed – 59% or more than half of the survey which shows that they are not attracted to lotteries, making the popularity of this game in the country lived most of Europe. In second place we find poker with 22%, this game continues to grow worldwide. Very close to the poker is 18% with the Paris sports.
A third of those surveyed rely specify an amount exceeding 20 euros per month while most states have bet about 20 euros. Defendants online games will no doubt arm of the study to lobby the German government while seeking to revise the law on gambling in Germany.
As of today online gaming is prohibited since January 2009 … Still waiting for a rebound in the present case which is contradicted in the courts of the European Union.
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